
My hope, as a hypnotherapist and counsellor, is that you transcend any states of aloneness and come into this warm and cozy home space. In this home space there is a sacred calmness and peace-full-ness. Here you are completely accepted. You are completely your Self. Now your emotions can all connect. You can now re-place the con-fusion with fusion. Here you are Whole. Here you are One. You can sense that your body and your mind and your spirit are organically connected.

Here you can truth-fully say, “Je suis bien dans ma peau.”, “I am happy in my own Self.”, or “C’est moi.”, “This is my Self.” You are free of old shackles and old “unfinished business.” Here you are a free spirit. Free to fly. Here you can play, re-charge and have a lot of fun. En-joy be-ing each feeling in each moment. Here you can be for-giv-ing away all your limiting characteristics.

Here, at home, you can re-treat your Self to your Self. You can re-experience making contact with your “l’enfant d’or”,”golden, child-like Self”. Here it is very clear what you want and also very clear what you do not want. Here there is a very strong sense of déjà vu. This is a place where when you gaze around you in any corner, sector or view of this home, and from any direction, you see your Self everywhere. Here, if you feel alienated or dis-connected from any one entity, thing or person you are free to negotiate with this alienation and in-corporate it into your whole being.

In this home you are into nearly pure be-ing. The “control cloaks” are left at the front door. Here there is the present tense only. Here, at home, you have lots of time be-cause you are outside of time. Here you can be-come very still and hold this stillness and in this still state you can readily re-craft new pathways for connecting dis-membered parts of your Self. Here you can re-member how to “put Humpty Dumpty back to-gether again”.

This home of yours is a wonder-full place to transcend into a very, very deep and in-spiring re-treat. Here are some of the practical aspects of a deep re-treating of yourself to your Self:no clocks, no doorbells, no telephones, no radio, no t.v., no newspapers, no computers, no noisy appliances, etc. Also no business, no work, no mail, no e-mail, no bills, no messages, etc. Very little contact with other people. Very little talking. Very little thinking.

Well-come Home! En-joy your “wholly-day” re-treat. Re-member the “wholly-day” never ends. You just forget to re-member to stay whole and conscious. I hope you re-member to re-member…

May the Wholeness be with you…